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About Revivacare

REVIVACARE® stands apart as a unique company.

REVIVACARE® is an innovative medical travel company established to assist individuals in accessing high-quality care in Turkey and Istanbul.

As a registered and insured Private Limited Company in Turkey, we are legally responsible and equipped to provide you with exclusive protections and specialized care services that may not be available through other companies.

Authorised Travel Agency

Reviva Tourism is a registered travel agency authorized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey and the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB). You can verify Reviva’s authorization by searching for the travel agency registration code 9532 at the link below.

Link to confirm TURSAB registration:

Authorised Medical Tourism Agency

Reviva Tourism also holds authorization as an intermediary institution for Medical Tourism.

You can verify this authorization on the Ministry of Health of Turkey’s website.

Related link:


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